Keith Mckittrick A Valuable Assistant Coach


There wre times where Keith Mckittrick really don't know what to do to be the best for his team. However, with all of his knowledge he has acquired from his long years of experience, he was able to ascertain efficient ways.He makes it a priority to be a good leader for his team mates. Every player in the hockey team always bear in mind all the things he teaches and make sure they never forget it. Given that head coaches are not only the person who are responsible to lead the community, assistant coaches like Keith Mckittrick has the capability to do the same thing as well. For him, it is essential to possess and show to others the importance of having good etiquette as this will serve as a good learning point for the players. Plus, through this, they were able to possess a good set of skills, which they can use in their everyday lives.

Another thing that makes Keith Mckittrick a good assistant coach is that he never fail to tell everybody his expectation towards the team. When he is at the side of the team, he makes certain that all of his expectations are being communicated so that the players will be able to achieve all of those things. As a result, the team will do their very best in order to make their assistant coach satisfied every after game. The good thing about them is they understand they are the only person who can benefit from. Also, they will be trained to work hard before they will be able to encounter many opportunities in their lives.

Next to that, Keith Mckittrick builds a positive and good rapport with all members of the team. In this way, he knows that in order for the hockey club to stay united and happy as one, he creates a good relationship to all young athletes under him and to all staffs including the head coach.

Apart from that, the friendly and enjoying environment will be maintained within a long run that will make the team happy when they are in the real scenario or actual game.

The last thing that makes Keith Mckittrick a good assist coach for the hockey team was that he never stops learning and improving his skills and expertise in coaching and playing the sports. Although he is aware that his knowledge is good, still he look for ways on how to further improve it. This is because he knows that there are drastic changes in the future that will challenge his learning and strategies.

Joe Carter - Political Blog
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